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Friday, September 9, 2011

The Three Machines

Yes, these 3 machines have saved us money and improved my health and sense of wellbeing. And, they are NOT kitchen appliances. In other words, no juicers or dehydrators.

Ten years ago, a dentist in Fort Collins, CO said he wouldn’t be my dentist unless I used a Waterpik every day. Within 6 months, those annoying gum pockets were history for both Pat and me. For Christmas that year, all of our terrifically fortunate children received – guess what? – Waterpiks.

We’re still using the Waterpik successfully – in fact, we’ve worn out the first and are now on our second. It’s so nice to not pay for special gum scraping and such.

Last year one of our sons (this must run in the family!) raved about his electric toothbrush. Not to be outdone, I purchased the Oral B Braun from my dentist. Pat and I use it morning and evening. It’s heaven – my teeth never felt cleaner. Or looked brighter.

But ah, the moment of truth arrived at my recent checkup. Poke and prod as much as he could, my dentist failed to elicit even a slight twitch or ouch. All of my sensitive spots were gone. Gone. Amazing. This is the first time ever in as long as I can remember that I earned an “A Plus” for a dental exam. Which means no –absolutely no – out of pocket charges.

The next big surprise found me while browsing at Nordstrom’s cosmetic counter. I wandered in to purchase lipstick and was greeted by a brilliantly smiling enthusiastic young woman who was clearly on commission. By the time I walked out of the store I had purchased a Clarisonic face brush machine. Not inexpensive since I purchased the model that included a larger brush head for use on my body. Hand held. Just add some soap or cleanser and run the gently whirling brush for a minute or so over my face and neck before rinsing. Stephanie promised a plethora of beautifying results: exfoliation, clearer skin, smoother skin, better absorption of face cream and moisturizer. Everything a gal could possibly want.

I felt so much like a guppy escaping a shark tank that I couldn’t tell Pat about this purchase. I couldn’t much hide it either, as it was whirring on my face as I prepared for bed that night. I still can’t tell him what it cost. But I sure can see visible obvious results. I’m not kidding. This gizmo makes my skin look like I just had an hour-long facial that costs upwards of a hundred dollars or so. The difference between the facial and the Clarisonic is that I can look that good every single day. If I were to put the results into one word it’s “brighter.” Next would be baby-skin smooth. Is it saving me money yet? Not exactly. But if I were to pay for monthly hour-long facials, it definitely is saving money. (My husband insists this is not the correct way to apply any accounting principle he knows.)

A special note to our children: most likely you won’t receive a Clarisonic under the tree this year. But an electric toothbrush? Perhaps.

I highly recommend all three machines. If they fit your needs. Let me know how you like them.

Have a terrific month. All the best,


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