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Thursday, January 20, 2011

About that Apple

When told by a physician/nutritionist years ago that I had to give up fruit on his "healthy" diet, I rebelled. "You mean one apple a day could be harmful to me? What's wrong with an apple?" When confronted he backed down and agreed that one apple a day would be OK. Huh? I love apples. Any kind of apples. They seem to be a perfect food, just like an egg is a perfect food.

And now Weight Watchers has changed their diet recommendations to account for the glycemic index. Finally. I mean, you know that the glycemic index has hit the big time if the bastion of weight loss changes up all their point counts. Now 100 calories of starchy and sugary-foods has more points than 100 calories of fruit and/or vegetables. In fact, on their program you can eat basically lots of produce. And you'll still lose weight.

But if you choose this path, the fruit/vegetables can't be juiced or made into a shake. Eat them raw or lightly cooked. They offer natural antioxidants, high fiber, natural sweetness. By their very nature, the amount you can eat is self limiting. I mean, ever try overeating apples? It's almost impossible. Those vegetables and fruit have a self-limiting quality.

So, go ahead. Eat well. Eat that apple, pear, or watermelon. They were designed to be enjoyed.


Unknown said...

Hi Lucy,
In your blog you say "But if you choose this path, the fruit/vegetables can't be juiced or made into a shake. Eat them raw or lightly cooked.
I wonder why not? Especially since "green juice" is really the rage right now. G.

Lucy Beale said...

Research shows that having one serving of fruit juice/day increases the liklihood of developing diabetes by 18%. Juice contains highly conentrated fructose. Eating fruit is healthy. The other reason not to juice - even vegetables - is that digestion starts in the mouth by chewing. Drinking "foods" bypasses this important part of the digestive process and lowers the nutritional value of the food. That's why protein shakes aren't so great for a person either. Best to eat food, not drink it.