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Monday, March 3, 2008

Glycemic Index for Weight maintenance

I love the glycemic index for weight maintenance. It works, it's not complicated, but it could be. I simplify it by using this guideline:

White or fluffy makes you puffy. Even though I lost 50 pounds over 20 years ago and have kept it off, I've had occasional times when I've started to gain weight. As I've gotten older and my metabolism has slowed, keeping extra weight off is harder. That's why I love this simple approach to the glycemic index.

As long as I avoid white and fluffy foods, I can stay at my ideal weight and still eat yummy foods. Here's what I avoid: most foods made with milled grains most of the time: breads, muffins, cookies, cake, pasta, rice crackers, popcorn, crackers, dairy: yogurt, milk, ice cream, whipped cream, and soy products. The soy isn't high-glycemic, but it's been shown to depress thyroid function, so I don't want to take any chances.

For me, avoiding white and fluffy foods isn't rigid, as I'll sometimes eat cake or a cookie, but infrequently. By now you may be asking what other foods are left to eat: meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, honey, and for treats, dark chocolate or even some milk chocolate.

To satisfy my needs for emotional eating, I've had to learn to reward myself with other things: hobbies, being out of doors, journaling, painting, seeing friends. Which overall is healthier than emotional overeating.

Giving up the starches was hard when I was trying too hard. It's easier now that I accept my fondness for them and acknowledge that they aren't my true friend. But rather a false friend that makes me bloated, heavier, and crankier. Who needs food that does that?

Wishing for you your ideal size,

Author, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Glycemic Index Weight Loss

1 comment:

Lucy Beale said...

HI, Lucy, here's a comment.